"Anne-Maree has enabled me to find my true values. This has helped me move forward in my life with added confidence."
- Gayle Matthews


Consider how much time, effort and resources are invested each year in Professional Development. Has it produced the long-term results that made the investment worthwhile?

Large corporations have long recognised the benefits of employing coaches to propel their teams to greater and more sustainable results. Time is money - these organisations choose what works.

Coaching methods are fast-acting and focus on solutions. At Zenith, we understand the necessity to get results. We work with organisations to design a coaching program that is as unique as you are.

Coaching leaders.

If it was possible that the success of a team was in proportional response to its leader, then consider ... how effective is your team? Whether you could benefit from coaching personally or as a leader, Zenith can assist you to create the results you desire.

Coaching individuals.

Every team is made up of individuals. Each person brings with them their own sets of beliefs and values. They have their own experiences and stories. Just like the spokes on a wheel, every individual is important in making the "whole" work.

Coaching teams.

Whether you belong to a business team or a sporting team, the effectiveness of the team is a direct reflection of the effectiveness of the individuals who belong to the team. If productiveness, results and harmony could be improved within your team, then looking within at how each person can bring their best can be the "difference" that can make the difference to your results.

Are you your team? If you are a "one-person" business and are dissatisfied with your results, are you aware of what is holding you back from achieving what you want? Coaching is an amazing way to fine-tune what's going on and unlock your potential.

All Professional Development is tailor-made specific to your needs.


"Thank you so much for the past six weeks. It has been an awesome journey of discovery and achievement. I have learnt how to apply techniques and strategies to handle different situations in order to achieve more positive outcomes and desired results.

Julie-Anne Fisher
Hervey Bay

"Anne-Maree instilled a sense of confidence which came about through her confidence in her ability. She won't back down."

Shirley Cameron-Smith
Hervey Bay

"Anne-Maree was very approachable and easy to talk to. She helped me see things about myself I didn't already see, and because of her I feel my life will be better."

Jade Guilmartin,